

Arts Take Center Stage In A World Of Spirituality

Creativity is at the crux of cultivating well-rounded individuals. All young men and women have a unique talent or skill that can be enriched through participation in one of our many art programs or courses. Illiana students use their talents, which are gifts from God, to glorify Him by moving, inspiring, and uplifting others. The creative talents of our young men and women, presented with a Christian perspective, enrich the lives of our community members. Our students can celebrate their special talents in the areas of instrumental music, vocal music, fine arts, and drama

What Shapes Our Outstanding Art Programs

Students with artistic gifts are taught and encouraged to nourish their gifts, so they can share these talents with the community. Our outstanding teachers bring a sense of appreciation for and devotion to the arts that inspires our students. No matter what artistic passion drives your children, they will certainly find a home in one of our programs.

We are proud that our art program offers:

  • A variety of artistic opportunities, including five bands, four choirs, a drama program, and many fine arts disciplines. 
  • The ability to incorporate arts into your children’s school day as well as after-school as extracurricular activities.
  • An environment that appreciates the arts and encourages talents to develop.
  • The opportunity to view the arts from a Christian perspective so that students understand how their gifts can contribute to the community, uplift others, and glorify God.
  • The 2024 Varia, featuring many of the art works, writings and performances from the Fine Arts Festival can be accessed at this LINK.

How Art Unites Individual, Team Efforts

While your students may have their own creative passions, these special skills can also be supported through teamwork. As we are all servants of God, our children can learn how to come together as a member of a band or choir while still sharpening their own individuality. Group dynamics in the arts helps students understand the importance of being responsible to a larger unit and its overall objectives, whether that’s at practices or performances.

Our art program helps instill: 

  • A deeper understanding of communication through the arts.
  • A sense of community, developed through the production of two plays a year as well as the performances of our vocal and instrumental groups.
  • An understanding of the importance of showcasing talents in the annual Fine Arts Competition that includes categories such as photography, video, vocal, drama, and dance.
  • The spirit of unity that brings together individual students to work toward a common goal.

Your children’s artistic expression is another way for them to honor God in their own impactful ways. Art can truly be an avenue to liven up the world, express personal beliefs, discover an appreciation of creativity, and craft a visual or musical connection to service.

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