
P.I.E. Volunteers

P.I.E. Volunteers

Sign Up Here

July 29, 2024

Dear Illiana Parents,

What is P.I.E.?  P.I.E. stands for Parents Involved in Education.  The purpose of P.I.E. is to raise funds for the Excellence in Education Fund, which is used to make educational purchases that are not covered by tuition dollars. Every fall, teachers are able to submit requests for items that they feel will enhance their students’ learning experience.  The P.I.E. Board reviews these requests and fulfills them based on benefits and funds available.  P.I.E. also provides lunch services to students at cost, facilitates the opportunity for tuition reduction through the SCRIP store, and provides an in-house catering service.

P.I.E.’s programs include the following services:

Lunch Program: Lunch is offered to students five days a week. All lunches are pre-ordered and pre-paid a month in advance on FACTS/RenWeb. Lunch ordering will be open from the 1st through the 10th of each month. You can pay with a transfer from your bank account to save on credit card fees. Emergency lunches are available on a very limited basis for cash only. White milk and chocolate milk are free and do not need to be pre-ordered. 

Scrip: Scrip is a tuition reduction program.  When you buy gift cards through Scrip you will receive a percentage of the value of each purchase as a tuition credit. Last year Scrip paid out $24,605.33 in tuition credit to the 65 participating families with students at ICHS. Check out the Scrip tab under Parents on the ICHS website for more information.

Catering/Dinners at Illiana: Illiana catering services offers either a traditional family style dinner or the use of outside catering services in our facility. Please contact Terri Schaaf at (708) 259-0749 for more information or to schedule an event. We would love to host your class reunion or deacon dinner! 

How to volunteer:

Families, we need you!  To encourage volunteer participation at the school, each Illiana family is assessed a “P.I.E. fee” of $250, which will be billed in May according to the hours NOT worked. When parents volunteer, they will receive credit to offset this fee.  You can check the status of your credit on FACTS/RenWeb by going to the Family tab and looking under Service Hours under each parent’s name. If your child transfers out of Illiana during the school year, your tuition account will only be credited for volunteer activities completed up to that point. 

Volunteer opportunities are posted on Be sure to register and create an account at by using a desktop or laptop as mobile devices are not a dependable method.  If you have a problem with the link, copy and paste it into your browser. Once you have signed up, you will receive notification when new volunteer opportunities become available or last-minute openings need to be filled.  If you have any questions, e-mail Shaynee Pierce at  

Volunteer options include the following:


Lunch Prep/Serving:  Each lunch spot is worth $50 of P.I.E. credit.  You may sign up for as many lunches as you would like, but a maximum of $250 P.I.E. credit can be earned per family, per year.  To ensure that everyone has an opportunity to sign up, please start by signing up for no more than 3 slots per semester.  

Dinners: The following three volunteer positions open when dinners are scheduled. You may sign up for one, two, or all three jobs.

Dinner Preparers:  Your shift in the kitchen is from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm on the day of the dinner. For this job you will be prepping vegetables and helping the cook. You will receive $62.50 in P.I.E. credit for each dinner worked. You may sign up to bring an adult partner to receive $125 credit.

Table Setters:  Your shift is from 2:30 – 5:00 pm on the day of the dinner. You will receive $62.50 in PIE credit for each dinner worked. You may sign up to bring an adult partner to receive $125 credit.

Dinner Servers:  Your shift will begin at approximately 5:00 pm, and you will stay until everything is cleaned up; usually about 9:00 – 9:30 pm. You will receive $125 P.I.E. credit for working the dinner. You may sign up with an adult partner to receive the full $250 credit.

P.I.E. fundraising opportunities:

In addition to volunteering, you can contribute to the Excellence in Education fund by participating in P.I.E. fundraising events such as the Fall Mum Sale, Culver’s Night, and the annual P.I.E. Dinner.  P.I.E. also welcomes business donations and/or sponsors.  All funds raised go directly to the Excellence in Education fund.

Check out the monthly P.I.E. updates in Illiana’s newsletter.  For any additional questions about Parents Involved in Education, contact Brooke Holleman at (708) 707-6458.

Challenged to Serve,

Parents Involved in Education Board

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