
Student Activities

Student Activities

Here at Illiana, we want to utilize all of the time in the school day by including opportunities for a wide variety of club involvement. 8th hour meets every Tuesday and Thursday, 2:25 pm – 2:50 pm. Students are encouraged to join a club during this time. Clubs include Student Council, Loud Crowd, Praise Crowd, Art Club, Board Games, C.S. Lewis Club, and Weight Training among many others. Various other activities meet after school hours including Close Up, drama productions, Landlopers, Math Team and Spire (Yearbook). The Echo is our school newspaper, and its staff is made up of students involved in journalism classes. Students on the editorial staff also meet after school regularly. 

  • Student Council: Student Council is comprised of four students from each grade and two faculty sponsors. The Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior representatives are voted on by their classmates. One senior student takes on the role of President. This group of students runs events like breakfasts, Veteran’s Day and blood drives. In addition, these students put on Homecoming and meet to discuss the happenings of the school.
  • Loud Crowd: Loud Crowd is Illiana’s student section which cheers for different sports–namely basketball and volleyball. The student section leads cheers and chants during games while dressing to a theme such a Hawaiian night or Red, White and Blue. This cheering section is headed up by a group of students who meet during club period to discuss strategies and themes.
  • Praise Crowd: Praise Crowd committee meets during club period and is in charge of a student gathering called Praise Crowd. This is a time of lively worship and Spirit-led teaching for students who gather after school events or sports games. The committee also hosts Praise Crowd Breakfasts and brainstorms about ways to create a strong spiritual atmosphere of Christ-followers here at Illiana.
  • Math Team: Our Math Team has won many awards in the past and this group of mathematically passionate students meets during club period to practice their skills and learn new methods. They also do timed problems and simulate competitions.
  • Spire: The Spire is Illiana’s yearbook committee, led by two editors-in-chief and two faculty sponsors. The committee meets after school one day per week and the editors meet during one class period of their day. Students work year-round creating and editing spreads, taking photos, and capturing everything Illiana to put in the yearbook at the end of the year. Each fall, there is a Spire party where students come and get the yearbook from the previous year, signing their way through the evening.
  • The Echo: The Echo is Illiana’s newspaper run by an editorial staff and a group of student staff writers. These students take journalism classes while creating this high-quality newspaper. From current events to hard-hitting editorials to clever columns, this newspaper is some of Illiana’s finest work. Students meet both during class periods and after school on a regular basis.
  • IMPACT (Influencing My Peers As a Christian Teen) Club: IMPACT is a group of student leaders working to create an environment where everyone feels welcome at Illiana.  We are working to help students see that our differences including race, gender, abilities, disabilities, and backgrounds do not need to separate us but bring us together as we are ALL God’s children.

If you are interested in learning more about which clubs we offer or about any of the clubs listed above, contact Illiana using our Contact Us page!

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