

Frequently Asked Questions

The basic requirement is that the families are Christians and are active in a Christian church. We also ask that the student is not on any academic or behavior discipline. Since our feeder schools use these same requirements, families from these schools are admitted automatically after completing an application. Those coming from other schools are asked to complete an application, submit previous grades, have their pastor submit a recommendation and participate in an interview.

We do not use any one published curriculum. We select the textbooks or digital curriculum that will best equip our students and teach all curriculum from a Christian perspective.

The average class size is 20 students. Some band or choir classes have more than 50 students. Some Adavanced Placement classes might have less than ten.

Yes, we do require that all teachers have a Bachelor’s degree and be state-certified. Also, our teachers are required to earn a Master’s degree in order to continue teaching at Illiana. Most of them have master’s degrees.

On a regular school day, homeroom begins at 7:45 am and school is dismissed at 2:50 pm.

We are fully accredited by Cognia and Christian Schools International. We are also recognized by the State of Indiana.

No, the dress code requires modesty but not uniformity. The dress code can be found in the Parent-Student Handbook.

Yes, to encourage volunteer participation at the school, Illiana families are assessed a P.I.E. (Parents Involved in Education) fee of $200.00 which is billed on tuition statements in December. When parents volunteer, they will receive credit on their tuition statements to offset this fee. A list of volunteer opportunities can be viewed here. To sign up, use a desktop or laptop. Mobile devices are not a dependable method. If you have any problems with the link, contact Vicky DeBoer at Volunteering must be completed by a responsible member of your family ( grandparent, parent, friend or adult relative). When you sign up to participate in an event, you must be on time. If you find that you cannot participate on your assigned day or time, you must find your own responsible replacement in order to receive your P.I.E. credit.

Yes, we start in late August and end in early June with traditional Christmas and Spring breaks.

Lunch is available Monday-Friday! Milk and juice are also available. For more information, visit the Lunch program page.

Yes, tuition includes all but a few miscellaneous fees such as for the yearbook, a gym uniform, a trainer fee, or a special purpose book. Students receiving a Chromebook are expected to pay a $50 technology fee.

Yes and no, a large majority of our students go on to college (80 – 90%) so we have a rigorous program of courses to prepare students well for college including several Advanced Placement and Dual-Credit courses. However, our mission is to serve all Christian families including those with students that are not college-bound. Illiana also has a schedule of courses for vocational and domestic skills. We also have a variety of services for students with special needs.

All teachers at Illiana use a common, but difficult grading scale.

A : 93-100
A- : 90-92
B+ : 87-89
B: 83-86
B-: 80-82
C+: 77-79
C: 73-76
C-: 70-72
D+: 67-69
D: 63-66
D-: 60-62
F: 0-59


At Illiana, all families are united in Christ and are members of God’s family.  The school has a strong Dutch Calvinist heritage, but it is more of a theological than an ethnic heritage.  Today the school enjoys a growing diversity with 22.5% of the student population being people of color.  More than 100 different congregations are represented by our students.

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