
Admissions Process & Application

Admissions Process

Before you apply for admission to Illiana you will want to get to know the school.

  • We encourage you to explore this website thoroughly.
  • Call the school and ask questions of the office staff, the counselors, or the principal.
  • Request an informational packet.
  • Review the course offerings, the programs, and the school rules.
  • Attend an Open House and bring questions with you.
  • You can also arrange to have a student visit the school for a day to “shadow” an Illiana student and experience what it is really like for students.
  • Request a tour of the school.
  • Ask others about Illiana Christian.

Illiana intends to be a school where evangelical Christian families can educate their children in a safe and stimulating environment that emphasizes the unique Christian perspective and values found in the home and the church. Families from schools that share our educational philosophy are usually admitted as a matter of course, as long as they have a satisfactory letter of recommendation from their pastor as part of their application. These schools include:

Families using schools other than these elementary schools must apply for admission to the school.

Illiana admits families, not just students. Because of our covenantal understanding of the parents’ responsibility to provide education for their children, we do not just admit individual students but families. When a family is admitted it is our way of affirming that this family shares our goals and values for their children’s education. So once you are admitted to Illiana as a family, you do not need to apply for admission for a second or third child from your family.

The application for admission has three parts: homeschool, and church.

  • Home: The application itself is to be completed by the parents (part one).
  • School: It should be accompanied by a report of the student’s academic performance (part two). This could be a transcript from the school but can also include copies of report cards, standardized test scores, etc.
  • Church: The application also includes a form to be completed by your pastor (part three). You must include your pastor’s name and email address in the online application. When you submit the application to Illiana, a link to a referral form will immediately be emailed to your pastor to complete and submit online. You do not need to get letters of reference or recommendation from anyone else.

When the school receives all three of these parts of the application you will be contacted for a brief interview with the Admissions Committee. The interview is with members of Illiana’s school board and school representatives mainly to verify the information in the application. Both parents and the prospective student should attend the admission interview.

If you have any questions about the admissions process or admission criteria, please feel free to inquire at the school. We hope you will find it a pleasant process of getting to know each other to ensure that we are a good fit.

Application & Enrollment Checklist

Please contact Jenna Dutton, Director of Admissions, at for more information or to be added to the 2023-2024 waitlist.


  • Visit
  • Create an application account under “Application for Admissions”
  • Fill out the application, upload documents and click submit. An email will be sent to you when you submit your application.
  • Interview with the Admissions Committee.
  • Once you are admitted, it’s time to enroll.


  • Click the link in your acceptance email.
  • Create a FACTS/Family Portal account (different than the application account).
  • Complete the Online Enrollment Packet under Apply/Enroll>Enrollment/ Reenrollment and click submit.
  • Pay $125 enrollment fee.

Select Courses

  • Follow the link and instructions in the enrollment confirmation e-mail.
  • Login to Family Portal and go to Student Information>Course Request to choose your student’s classes for the fall semester.

* If at any point during this process you have questions, please call Jenna Dutton, Director of Admissions, at 219.558.7066 ext. 141 or email at


  • Log into your FACTS/Family Portal account
  • Go to Apply/Enroll>Application>Click here to open application>Create a New Student Application
  • Fill out the application, upload documents, and click submit. A confirmation email will be sent to you when you submit the application.
  • Once the application is processed by the school, you’ll receive another email regarding your child’s acceptance into Illiana.
  • Now, it’s time to enroll!


  • Click the link in your acceptance email.
  • Log into your current Family Portal account
  • Complete the Online Enrollment Packet under Apply/Enroll>Enrollment/ Reenrollment and click submit.
  • Pay $125 enrollment fee.

Select Courses

  • Follow the link and instructions in the enrollment confirmation e-mail.
  • Login to your Family Portal and go to Student Information>Course Request to choose your student’s classes for the fall semester. The Course Request link becomes active in early spring.

* If at any point during this process you have questions, please call Jenna Dutton, Director of Admissions, at 219.558.7066 ext. 141 or email at

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