
Category Archives: Our Blog

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19 Oct 2018

Teacher Feature: Emily Hillegonds

Name: Emily Hillegonds Teaching Department: English College Attended: Calvin College/ University of Illinois Chicago Church you attend: Bethel CRC Interesting

19 Oct 2018

Who wants to have a Taco?

Happy Friday! It is hard to believe that we are at the end of the first quarter already! The first

11 Oct 2018

Go Illiana

Happy Thursday! I wanted to share with all of you a fun story I heard a few weeks ago. This

27 Sep 2018

Illiana Fund Drive

Illiana Fund Drive Yep, it’s that time again! Pumpkin spice lattes, scarves, boots, cool, crisp air, leaves falling and the

29 Jan 2018

Emma West

Illiana really has changed who I am as a person, and certainly for the better. When I look back to

02 Jan 2018

Johnathan Lightfoot

This is dedicated to the kid sitting in the audience not wanting to go here because he just doesn’t care.

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